Check Point Integration: Gain Continuous Threat Visibility and Enforcement

October 28, 2019
Vectra AI Security Research team
Check Point Integration: Gain Continuous Threat Visibility and Enforcement

The time-to-response is often times what defines the success or failure of a security team. With increasingly sophisticated threats, security teams must continuously monitor for threat activity across all environments and contain and block threats immediately to limit damage.

That’s why we are excited to announce our technology partnership with Check Point today. The integration between the Cognito automated network detection and response platform and Check Point Next Generation Firewalls empowers security staff to quickly expose hidden attacker behaviors, pinpoint specific hosts involved in a cyberattack and contain threats before data is lost.

Check Point SandBlast Zero-Day Protection offers cloud-based sandboxing technology where files are quickly quarantined and inspected, running in a virtual sandbox to discover malicious behavior before they enter the network.

The Cognito platform accelerates customer threat detection and investigation using sophisticated artificial intelligence to collect, store and enrich network metadata with insightful context to detect, hunt and investigate known and unknown threats in real-time.

Security teams can condense weeks of work into seconds and quickly pinpoint the hosts involved in an active cyberattack, verify the threat with on-demand forensics and trigger a dynamic containment of the affected devices—all from within the intuitive Cognito user interface.

Cognito now integrates seamlessly with Check Point Next Generation Firewalls to provide the protection, visibility and enforcement tools necessary for security teams to succeed. Learn more in the solution brief.